M. (2011). Creativity, Technology, Art, and Pedagogical Practices. Art Education, 64(1), 40-64.
- Description: This journal article focuses on both how new technologies affect creative practices in art education, as well as these technologies are being used in new and creative ways.
- Evaluation: The information comes from a reputable source and is based upon observation and research into appropriate literature. This article was useful for my research as it helped support my idea that it is the creativity of a user that will determine the scope of the use of a technology, not simply the technology itself.
McGreal, R. & Elliot, M. (2004). Technologies of online learning
(e-learning). In T. Anderson & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Online Learning (pp. 115-135). Athabasca, Canada: Athabasca University.
- Description: This book chapter focuses on explaining a variety of e-learning technologies and their educational uses.
- Evaluation: The information comes from a reputable source. This article was useful for my research in that it describes real, in-class uses for technologies. However, being written in 2004 makes the information somewhat dated and not completely relevant to the technologies being utilized in classrooms today.
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